by Seb239 | Sep 15, 2019 | Business Planning, The Discipline of Success
Vision is the reason entrepreneurs exist; they have a vision for a product or service, for making a difference, or for a company all their own. Are you an entrepreneur with a vision? When you close your eyes and think about your dream for your business, you have the...
by Seb239 | Sep 15, 2019 | The Discipline of Success
WHAT IS A MISSION STATEMENT? In the previous blog, I talked about creating a visual Vision Statement. There’s often a lot of confusion about whether a company should be using a Vision Statement, a Mission Statement, both or neither. Again, my advice is not the same as...
by Seb239 | Sep 12, 2019 | Other
The ever-changing world of business has one constant: you must meet the demands of the modern customer. Whether you’re a large organization, a small family shop, a budding LLC, or just someone looking to dip your toes into the business world, we all have many things...
by Seb239 | Mar 18, 2019 | The Discipline of Success
Are you Lucky or Smart in your business? Many entrepreneurs and business executives attribute some part of their success to luck. But most of them also believe it was a SMART, effective strategy that put them in the position to “be LUCKY”. Much like the voice from...
by Seb239 | Apr 23, 2016 | Business Planning, The Discipline of Success
Most small business owners figure they do not have time for fluffy subjects like company culture. But if you want to make more money, you ought to pay attention. The relationship between positive company culture and financial results is well documented, both...
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