by Seb239 | Sep 15, 2019 | Business Planning, The Discipline of Success
Vision is the reason entrepreneurs exist; they have a vision for a product or service, for making a difference, or for a company all their own. Are you an entrepreneur with a vision? When you close your eyes and think about your dream for your business, you have the...
by Seb239 | Sep 15, 2019 | The Discipline of Success
WHAT IS A MISSION STATEMENT? In the previous blog, I talked about creating a visual Vision Statement. There’s often a lot of confusion about whether a company should be using a Vision Statement, a Mission Statement, both or neither. Again, my advice is not the same as...
by Seb239 | Sep 12, 2019 | Other
The ever-changing world of business has one constant: you must meet the demands of the modern customer. Whether you’re a large organization, a small family shop, a budding LLC, or just someone looking to dip your toes into the business world, we all have many things...
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